Medical Coach Free Documentation

The documentation for your awesome theme or template


  • Theme Name : Medical Coach
  • Author : mishkatwp
  • Support Forum :
  • License : GNU General Public License v3 or later
  • Discription :The Medical Coach WordPress Theme includes a built-in blog functionality to establish thought leadership and engage with the audience. Medical professionals can share informative articles, health tips, success stories, and other relevant content to educate and inspire their audience. The blog supports multimedia content such as images, videos, and infographics, enriching the reading experience. Moreover, users can showcase their services, programs, treatments, and specialties effectively through dedicated service pages. Each service page can include detailed descriptions, pricing information, testimonials, and multimedia content to highlight the value proposition and encourage conversions. Social proof is essential in the medical industry, and the Medical Coach WordPress Theme facilitates the display of testimonials, reviews, and case studies from satisfied clients and patients. This helps build trust and credibility, reassuring potential clients of the practitioner’s expertise and track record of success. This theme can also integrate with various medical resources, such as appointment scheduling platforms, telemedicine services, patient portals, and electronic health record (EHR) systems. This seamless integration enhances workflow efficiency, improves patient experience, and promotes better collaboration among healthcare providers. Additionally, this theme is designed with SEO best practices in mind, ensuring that websites rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs). It includes features such as clean code, fast loading times, mobile optimization, schema markup, and customizable metadata to maximize visibility and attract organic traffic.

Establishing the Theme

Configure Theme

You can also install your theme through the WP Admin interface

To begin, access your WordPress admin area by logging in. Once logged in, navigate to the desired task by clicking on...

1. In dashboard click on Appearance >> Themes

2. Once the page has finished loading, direct your attention to the top of the themes page. Locate the prominent "Add New" and proceed to click on it. This action will initiate the process of adding a new theme to your WordPress site.
3. Click on the button labeled as 'Upload Theme'.
Select the "" theme from Browse button, and after that select "Install Now."
5. After successfully installing your theme, WordPress will display success message and a link to activate or view a live preview of it. You've done a great job installing your theme!

Configure Home Page

The options of this page template (like sections location, disabling sections, number of posts they display) can be controlled it.

To design a home page, follow these steps.

1. Make a page to set the template: visit Dashboard Pages -- Add New Page

Name it "home" or anything as you like. Then, from the template dropdown, pick "front page template".

The Page Attributes section provides your page a parent page and a template.

1. Make a page to set the template: Navigate to Dashboard Pages -- Add New Page

Design front page as follows: Visit Setting -- Reading -- To set the home page as a static page for your website
All of the demo content will be visible on top page once you're done.

Essential Plugins

When you initially activate given theme, you'll be asked to install fowllowing plugins on your Dashboard. You can ignore the message if you don't wish to activate the theme while installing these plugins, and if you replace your mood later, you install them manually.

In the Dashboard, click on Plugins >> Install Plugins.


Plugin download link kirki

Configure Menu

Configure Menu

In the dashboard, visit Appearance >> Menu

To access the Menu Editor, visit the Dashboard and Tap on 'Appearance' menu on the left-hand side. From there, select the 'Menus' option.

To create a new menu, follow these steps:At the top of the page, select "Create the new menu".Enter the name for your new menu in the "Menu Name" box.Click on "Create Menu" .

Your new custom menu has been successfully created.

To add items to your menu

In the Menu Editor, locate the section labeled "Pages"

Click the checkbox next to each page's title that you want to add.

Once you have selected the desired pages, click the "Add to Menu" button.

Custom menu has been successfully saved

On the front end, the menu will appear as follows.

Medical Coach Theme Configure

Logo Configure

Proceed with Theme Logo setup, you can set site title and tagline, proceed as described below.

In the dashboard, visit Appearance -- Customize -- Site Identity -- Set Title and Tagline You can also make the tagline hidden.

Top Header Social Links

Proceed with Header Social Links, so proceed as described below.

In the dashboard, visit Appearance -- Customize -- Top Header Social Links

You can set Header text. You can set social url.

Header Button and Conatct Section

Proceed with Header Button, so proceed as described below.

In the dashboard, visit Appearance -- Customize -- Header Button

You can set Header conatct number, email address and location. You can button text and button url.

On the front end, the appearance will resemble the following.

Home Slider Section

Proceed with Theme Slider Settings , you can set slide show , proceed as described below.

In the dashboard, visit Appearance -- Customize -- Home Slider

Select number slides to show, then select image for the slide

Set all the details which is required for slider

On the front end, the appearance will resemble the following.

Services Section

Proceed with Theme Services Settings proceed as described below.

In the dashboard, visit Appearance -- Customize -- Home Services

Select number services to show, then select image for the services

Set all the details which is required for services

On the front end, the appearance will resemble the following.

Configure Footer Section

There are four columns in the footer. Any widget can be added there.

1. In the dashboard, visit Appearance -- Widgets

To add widgets to the footer, see the screenshot below.

You can add footer coloumns, for that you need to select widgets like text, image, gallery, etc which allows you to add text or image as per your choice with ease.

Proceed with manage content for footer and add some widgets, navigate to, proceed as described below.

2. In the dashboard, visit Appearance -- Widgets -- Footer Sidebar

Your footer will appear like this once you have added widgets to it.

Footer Copyright Text

Proceed with footer Settings, You can fill the copyright content to footer copyright Settings.

5. In the dashboard, visit Appearance -- Customize -- Footer

On the front end, the appearance will resemble the following.